Mobilité internationale

Mobilité internationale

International mobility

Higher education today offers students the opportunity to travel.Whether you’re a student at a Pôle establishment or a foreign student, you’ll find in this section all the information you need about the contact persons at each establishment.

The Integration Weeks are a two weeks integration programme for international students.

Its aim is to welcome Incoming students to their host institution, to promote their integration into the Namur region and its surrounding by offering them French as a foreign language courses and cultural and social activities. This is an opportunity for them to discover Belgium, its culture, its folklore and its history before starting the academic year.

You will have two weeks of languages classes (French or English) and an introduction to Belgian culture, food and heritage before your academic year :

  • French or English classes : 40 hours spread over two weeks (French-speaking students participate in English classes and English-speaking students participate in French classes) ;
  • Cultural activities in and around Namur region ;
  • Excursion to Brussels ;
  • Social events.

The whole program represents 3 ECTS. First day, you will have to sign a charter. 

Pratical details

  • Registration : CLOSED for 2024
  • When : 02 to 13 September 2024
  • Cost : The participation fees are paid by your institution in Belgium

    In case of cancellation of your registration, your host institution reserves the right to claim the participation fee for the day ! (no later than 17th August !)
    If you can’t be present for an activity, inform your responsable of your host institution and the accompanist of the activity.

Discover Namur, its culture, folklore and culinary specialties thanks to free orientation days organized for exchange students from member institutions of the Pôle académique de Namur.

Take advantage of cultural visits and immersive activities to learn more about your new host city.

La Maison Internationale is a student association in Namur dedicated to welcoming, helping and animating Erasmus students. Follow it on Facebook and Instagram for practical advice on housing, health insurance and more.

For more information, contact Alexandre Helman, President of Maison Internationale, at

Living in Namur ?

If you are staying in the city of Namur for more than 3 months, you will have to go through administrative procedures. 

You must go to the City Hall of Namur to register as soon as you arrive. So rapidly contact the City Hall to make an appointment ! 

Click here to make an appointment. 

Ask the City Hall for the documents you need to provide. Take all your original documents in paper format ! If there are some digital documents, print the mails as a proof.

Therefore, we offer you this document to help you when you arrive.

Document in English / Document en français

If any of the documents required, contact your mobility responsable : 

Haute École Albert Jacquard (HEAJ) – Véronique Van Cauter – /

Haute École de Namur-Liège-Luxembourg (HENALLUX) – Aude Segers –

Haute École de la Province de Namur (HEPN) – – Institut royal supérieur de musique et de pédagogie de Namur (IMEP)

Aadriejan Montens – – Université de Namur (UNamur) – Carole Anciaux –

Living in Gembloux ?

International students must contact the “Service des Étrangers” (by appointment only) via the address This service achieves the various formalities necessary for the registration of European and non-European foreigners arriving in Gembloux. It manages the files of foreigners residing on the territory of the City and issues residence documents.

Ask the City Hall for the documents you need to provide. Take all your original documents in paper format ! 

Contacts for more information :

Laurence Sorée – +32 (0)81 62 63 89 from Monday to Thursday

Radouan Laidi  – + 32 (0)81 62 63 99

If any of the documents required, contact your mobility responsable :

Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech (GxABT-ULiège) – Isabelle Rausin –

Haute École Charlemagne (HECh) Agro Gembloux – Christine Sommeillier –


International house ?

The International House – La Maison Internationale is a student association from Namur. Its mission is to welcome, help and entertain the Erasmus students in Namur and around.

On its Instagram, check the story highlights “New Erasmus”. You will have some tips about accommodation, health insurance,… 😀

You can follow the International House Namur on Facebook and Instagram.

Contacts for more information :

International House –

President of the International House –

A problem ? A question ? Here are the contact of the "Mobility" responsable of your host institution.


Plan langues

Tu manques d’expérience professionnelle, tu veux améliorer ton niveau en langue étrangère ? Le Forem te propose un petit coup de pouce financier avec la bourse linguistique “Plan Langues”.

Cette bourse allant de 350€ à 2000€ est destinée aux étudiants de plus de 18 ans pour :

  • Suivre des cours de langues à distance (de 2 semaines à 6 mois) ;
  • Faire une immersion linguistique en école de langues ou dans un établissement scolaire (de 2 ou 4 semaines) ;
  • Vivre une immersion en entreprise (de 40 heures en 2 semaines ou 80 heures en 4 semaines).

3 langues, 8 destinations

  • Néerlandais : Flandre ou Pays-Bas
  • Allemand : Communauté germanophone, Allemagne ou Autriche
  • Anglais : Royaume-Uni, Irlande ou Malte

Events to come

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